About The Webinar
Vertigo and dizziness are amongst the most common problems patient seek medical attention. A substantial percentage of persistent dizziness is not fully explainable in terms of an identifiable structural deficit but remains extremely disabling. Physiotherapists are more likely to encounter patients with persistent vestibular symptoms that fit criteria of a functional disorder than other conditions like Meniere’s or bilateral vestibulopathy. Structural, functional and psychiatric disorders can all independently cause vestibular symptoms and may coexist in any combination. Often it is the psychosocial factors than explain a greater degree of the variance in clinical outcomes than structural laboratory tests. Fortunately the mechanisms underlying persistent dizziness are better understood than many physiotherapists realise but research supporting specific treatment recommendations has been mixed. This webinar covers the most common functional disorders that cause persistent vestibular symptoms, starting with a discussion of the definitions and differential diagnosis followed by a review of the relevant mechanisms and recommendations for rehabilitation. This webinar is intended for physiotherapists with some background experience of vestibular rehabilitation.