About The Webinar
Searching the literature on ankle injuries, there are a multitude of research papers with regard to the ‘low ankle sprains’ such as lateral ligament injuries. With regard to the adjacent ‘high ankle sprains’ such as tibiofibular or syndesmosis injuries the articles available are few and far between. Syndesmotic injury at the ankle joint can have short term and long term consequences if not managed appropriately and division exists in the medical world as to the appropriate management of the higher grade injuries. The injury occurs by a forced couple of external rotation associated with forced ankle dorsiflexion occasionally in combination with fractures or lesions to the deltoid ligament and constitutes 5-15% of all ankle injuries. Conservative or post-operative management is often in the region of 10-12 weeks once the specific diagnosis has been made which can be difficult initially as clinical subjective complaints often supersede objective findings. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and weight bearing X-rays are the radiographic techniques of choice in assisting the clinical diagnosis.
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